“…Revenind la problema enunţată liminar, anume că dincolo de arhitectură se află… tot arhitectura. Cu câteva excepţii (Ion Oroveanu, Ctin Furmuzache, Marina Nicolaev, Cristina Ţurlea, Ştefania Kenley Curea, Nura Al Sayed, Adrian Spirescu sau Mircea Pop – deşi mai sunt şi alţi “proiectanţi” de fizionomii umane ori vegetale, de abstracţiuni liniare sau coloristice), expozanţii sunt bântuiţi de arhitectură şi în timpul – să-i zicem – liber. Majoritatea lucrărilor, executate în tehnici diverse – grafică, laviuri, ulei pe pânză etc. – înfăţişează clădiri, fărâme de ansambluri urbane, vedute cu ruine sau palazzo-ouri veneţiene, sau peisaj – perceput ca extensie decorativă a urbanului…” (click aici pentru articol)
Ion Oroveanu
All posts tagged Ion Oroveanu
Moi, Adam * Roumanie – 1996 – 1 h 45 mn – Réalisation : Dan Pita – Scénario : Dan Pita – Image : Dan Alexandru – Décor : Ion Oroveanu – Montage : Cristina Ionescu – Musique : Adrian Enescu – Interprétation : Stefan Iordache, Marius Stanescu, Irina Movila, Cristian Iacob, Costel Constantin, Mihai Calin –
“The shop will be the fourth branch of the Paris establishment in thic country and the first restaurant to be opened by the Petrossian family, whose business is more than 60 years old. About a third of the 2,000-square-foot space, designed by Ion Oroveanu, will be devoted to over-the-counter sales.” for more click here: Article The New York Times
By Shawn G. Kennedy
Published: May 13, 1984
Petrossian Brings the Luxury of Caviar
Designed by Ion Oroveanu, Petrossian seats just 60 guests within an Art Deco setting of polished marble, lustrous wood, Lalique sconces, a Lanvin chandelier, and superb bronze sculptures from the 1930s. Opened in 1984, the restaurant is housed in Alwyn Court, a historic 1909 apartment building; next door is Petrossian’s food boutique, with one side showcasing its caviar, smoked salmon, foie gras, tea, and preserves, and the other its pastries and desserts. The boutique also sells silver salt and pepper shakers and mother-of-pearl spoons, requisite for eating caviar in its purest form. A few steps up to the rear is a small café.(article by Gotham Magazine)
“Intr-o seara deosebita, in compania unor personaje discrete dar cu o stralucire aparte, am avut ocazia sa cunosc un OM cu un simt al umorului elaborat si zambet subtil. Mai tarziu am aflat cine este…Ion Oroveanu. Acum suntem prieteni si incercam impreuna sa transpunem in scena online povestea vietii lui.”
Ionut Tudose